
Toronto Pops

toronto pops

Let's Dance

Sample pages from Let's Dance programme & plus dance icons.

Invitation "crEATive"

Kids For The Future

Hi, I'm Gareth, the Publicity Manager for Group 4.  This is a copy of our identity/logo and the promotional material/swag I was responsible for.  Click the pictures for full sized images.


Creative for a Cause

Work by Alex Cirka

Group Three: Propel09

Propel Logo

Work by Jaqueline Liu

Work by Brandon Ainsley

Work by Keira Enneson



Brought to you by our friends at Amoebacorp. A real time waster, but worth every minute for the fresh discoveries.

The Journal of Urban Typography

TJOUT is dedicated to the documentation and study of signs,
word fragments, and typography created with utilitarian intent
in urban environments. Check it out.